
Floating Presences


It is through the mythical dimension -its sprawling subjectivity modes- that I have decided to take a stroll in the undergrowth to “dig up a few dead people” meet the savages, drink from the spring and on the stump of sacred tree freshly cut, revealing its naked palm, I learn to read between the lines. There I discover the history of this magic tree, endemic to human nature, which as soon as it has been cut, just grows back again. Rising from its ashes, surviving the thuds of axes and the roar of chainsaws, all the genealogy of mythology blossoms before my eyes. Branches grow, a fallen angel lands there, while a couple of satyrs comes, they rub their bodies on my leg, comes a roming headless buffalo, guided by the prophetic eye of a peacok feather. From the caves of Lascaux to Marilyn Monroe, the mythological world has teeming ramifications in the unconscious; it spins its web in each era and remains as of today a constituent of numerous cogs, more or less visible, of the 21th century. Therefore, to make the Act 2 of my Présences Flottantes (Floating Presence(s), it is on the thread -on the verge breaking- of dissonnance thatI wanted to dance and bring together mythologies from different times and locations. what I am proposing is thus a sort of “factory” of mythologies, as the merging of the collective and the intimate. What is the part that gathers us all and moves us so? And how can uniqueness be brought to life from some of these universal fantasies? Allow me to take you on a stroll in the undergrowth, on a path of reflection wherethe History of Human being and that of his fantasies, are strangely intertwined with the History of Art.

Undergrowth Stroll

2016, Oil Painting, 195 x 114 cm

The Waltz of the World

2016, Oil Painting, 195 x 114 cm. Private collection

Dead Animals Totem

2016, Oil Painting, 195 x 97 cm. Private collection

Desire Ark

2016, Oil Painting, 162 x 130 cm. Private collection

Marilyn de Willendorf

2016, Oil Painting, 162 x 97 cm

Cannibal night

2016, Oil Painting, 195 x 97 cm. Private collection


2016, Oil Painting, 195 x 97 cm

Dead Animals Totem

2016, Oil Painting, 195 x 97 cm. Private collection

Flesh Makes the Head Spin

2016, Oil Painting, 146 x 114 cm

Mythology of Twilight

2016, Oil Painting, 97x 195 cm